International mime theater festival Dresden
November 09-12 2017
workshop mime street theater with Artem Visuk & Igor Kluchik 10.11.2017 10 am - 3 pm Emmers
Mind Movement Research Under the dark moon 10.11.2017 8:30 pm Theaterhaus Rudi
Opening gala 09.11.2017 8 pm Vitz Schülerbühne
Mime-Impro-Gala 12.11.2017 5 pm AUGUST Theater Dresden
The grand opening gala opens the festival already for a few years. It happens at the Schülerbühne of Vitzthum grammar school. All the festival artists and invited guests bring the best of their skills to celebrate the beginning of the festival. You will see the Polish-German Duo Livetender with their new production „Kopflos“, Hannah Senft from Berlin, Antonina Popova from Russia, Eric Wilcox and Lukasz Szydlik from USA and Poland, Aleksandra Stempniak together with Sandra Milewska from Poland, Brian Latini from Italy and Ralf Herzog with his ensemble. We are proud to present five premieres - one German premiere and four world premieres during this amazing evening.
The evenings of improvisational theater of the Mimenbühne are becoming very popular. Here, the audience determines what is played on stage and the performer set make this to skillfully and hilariously scenes. But only during the International MimeTheaterFestival Dresden the audience experiences such international bandwidth since all the invited artists participate actively. So many of the giants of pantomime you rarely see together on a stage. Be there and bring your ideas and creativity.
Based on the known system of theater sports Ralf Herzog has developed a style of play for the non-verbal theater. Basic skills of mime technique are necessary to jopin the workshop. The workshop will develop your trust in the imagination to respond at the moment and as a cooperative game, conscious acting and basic questions of dramatic scenes and stories. Tailored for pantomimes games are introduced and tested in the end. The workshop is preparing the impro show the same day.
Workshops would be run by Oksana Tscherkaschina, a Ukrainian actress, director, dancer and theater pedagogue from The Beautiful Flowers Theater. She graduated from the Charkiw State University of Arts in 2011. Since then she has performed in the Charkiw State Theater, made some theater residencies in Europe and taught in the drama school TESTO.
Mondgestalten / Under the dark moon is a silent theater that lets you forget the space and the time and expand your imagination. The performance is kafkaesk, does not hide and criticizes. The actors show and do right in front of the audience how all politics have a timeless, existentialist humanity that is hard. Our reality is made of work and steel, but has its own aesthetics.
Women, women - a bittersweet mime play with Ines Zeun and Maxie Spehr. Director is Ralf Herzog. ... today still inseparable and tomorrow to the knife. Two women who can be neither with or without each other. In the struggle for the favor of the same man, her life is marked by love, jealousy and distrust, to murder and manslaughter!
Mimenstudio Dresden Ensemble Women, Women 10.11.2017 7 pm TH Rudi
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Adress: Paradiesstraße35 (Räcknitzhöhe)
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inkl. VVK-Gebühr
Funk Futurism & Co. International MimeTheaterFestival Dresden 2017
The Beautiful Flowers Theater Rat 11.11.2017 8:30 pm Theaterhaus Rudi
This theatrical performance from Beautiful Flowers Theatre characterized by such wordless storytelling. It is a comedy with elements of detective, comics, absurd, that also combines mime and clowning, dance and live music. Ordinary worker after a hard-working day find a mysterious suitcase. After that, he becomes a target for the two ridiculous bandits. The investigation is conducted by three eccentric detectives who are on the trail of a formidable mafia gang. It is tangled story with shootings, fights and chases. What’s in the suitcase? How is it connected with a grandmother? Who is the betrayer? You can find out everything during the performance. Live music, sparkling humor, unexpected turns of events, all this will not leave you unsatisfied.
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Poznan Academy of Perfoming Arts Night fears - a Mime-Musical 12.11.2017 11 am AUGUST Theater
Director: Anna Balcerzak What happens at night? Is there anything to fear? Is there a monster hidden under the bed? And what do the stars do when they hide from the moon? What dangers face the sleepwalker? Enjoy a musical journey around the world between reality and dream, childhood and adult age. A fabulous spectacle not only for children, full of dynamism and lyrical lullabies, movement and dance, with live music.
Ralf Herzog is the founder of the pantomime scene of Dresden, the "Mimenstudio Dresden" in which he forms pantomimes and directs the "Mimenbühne Dresden" since the 80s. After his stage admission he was experiencing in various entertainment programs and on tour. Guest performances have taken him to the USA, Korea, Cuba, Morocco, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and other countries. Ralf Herzog is also the co-founder and artistic director of the International Pantomime Festival Dresden. The latest productions under his direction in Mimenbühne are "Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit" and “The movie star”. In his early years in Theater he gained experience as a stage craftsman, electrician, mechanic puppets, props manager, assistant director. Today he is director in the puppet theater Bautzen, in Saxony Theater / Landesbühnen Sachsen, at the Semperoper Dresden and of course in his own theater, the Mimenbühne Dresden. Beside ensemble performances he creates solo programs, where he is on stage hiself. In addition, he teaches and coaches at Mimenstudio Dresden and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden.
Autohaus Mellmann Meißner Str. 320 01445 Radebeul
Funding and support of the festival by: AMT FÜR KULTUR UND DENKMALSCHUTZ DER STADT DRESDEN
Contact & Impress
offizielle Mailadresse
artistic director: Ralf Herzog management: Jan Romberg & Arne König association: Mimenstudio Dresden e.V. Telefone: +49351/32371528 website: http://www.august-theater.de/ adress: Bürgerstraße 63 01127 Dresden, Germany
Workshops: mime solo, duo group acting with Ralf Herzog 11.11.2017 10 am - 3 pm Emmers
Arne König & Duncan Cameron Big bang 11.11.2017 7 pm AUGUST Theater Dresden
In deep space, there is a wonderous little world, a planet of untold beauty, full of life, spinning around it's local sun. It's name: Earth and it is in trouble. For there is a darkness growing there and it wears a lab coat. He's evil, intelligent, an overall bad dude, but the Doc is just one atom short of being the best evil genius on Earth, and his sidekick Igor is a whole brain short of being useful. Together they are an excellent team, and THIS! - this will be there moment of triumph, to finally, once and for all... take over the world! Urknall is an exciting physical show that is full of dark imagination. A cartoon mix of malign mime that will fuel your gigglebox and amputate your funny bone. Enter a dark and sinister world where evil meets ridiculous.
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inkl. VVK-Gebühr
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Workshop mime-Improvisation with Ralf Herzog 12.11.2017 12 am - 3 pm Emmers
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Izabela Czesniewicz- actress in Wroclaw's Pantomime Theatre named Henryk Tomaszewski since 2001. She created a lot of interesting roles in many performanceces. Fascinated by body movement, dance, acrobatics etc. From a child trained in diving and represented the Polish National Team in many competition. Pedagogue and teacher, runs workshops with pantomime. Izabela has experience working in other theatre styles and in movie series as well as Opera and she recieved a Phd of Science in Physical Culture.
Workshop mime for children with Izabela Czesniewicz 11.11.2017 10 am -12 pm AUGUST Theater Dresden
Adress: Fechnerstraße 2a
Adress: Fechnerstraße 2a
Adress: Fechnerstraße 2a
Adress: Bürgerstr. 63
Adress: Bürgerstr. 63
Adress: Bürgerstr. 63
Adress: Bürgerstr. 68
Adress: Bürgerstr. 68
Adress: Bürgerstr. 68
Adress: Bürgerstr. 63
supported by the German associaction for amatheur theater with means of the German Minitry of Foreign Affairs.
November 09-12 2017
International MimeTheaterFestival Dresden
The grand opening gala opens the festival already for a few years. It happens at the Schülerbühne of Vitzthum grammar school. All the festival artists and invited guests bring the best of their skills to celebrate the beginning of the festival. You will see the Polish-German Duo Livetender with their new production „Kopflos“, Hannah Senft from Berlin, Antonina Popova from Russia, Eric Wilcox and Lukasz Szydlik from USA and Poland, Aleksandra Stempniak together with Sandra Milewska from Poland, Brian Latini from Italy and Ralf Herzog with his ensemble. We are proud to present five premieres - one German premiere and four world premieres during this amazing evening.
opening gala 09.11.2017 8 pm Vitz Schülerbühne
The evenings of improvisational theater of the Mimenbühne are becoming very popular. Here, the audience determines what is played on stage and the performer set make this to skillfully and hilariously scenes. But only during the International MimeTheaterFestival Dresden the audience experiences such international bandwidth since all the invited artists participate actively. So many of the giants of pantomime you rarely see together on a stage. Be there and bring your ideas and creativity.
Mime-Impro-Gala 12.11.2017 5 pm AUGUST Theater Dresden
Workshops would be run by Oksana Tscherkaschina, a Ukrainian actress, director, dancer and theater pedagogue from The Beautiful Flowers Theater. She graduated from the Charkiw State University of Arts in 2011. Since then she has performed in the Charkiw State Theater, made some theater residencies in Europe and taught in the drama school TESTO.
street theater with Artem Visuk & Igor Kluchik 10.11.2017 10 am-3 pm Emmers
Based on the known system of theater sports Ralf Herzog has developed a style of play for the non-verbal theater. Basic skills of mime technique are necessary to jopin the workshop. The workshop will develop your trust in the imagination to respond at the moment and as a cooperative game, conscious acting and basic questions of dramatic scenes and stories. Tailored for pantomimes games are introduced and tested in the end. The workshop is preparing the impro show the same day.
Workshop mime-Improvisation with Ralf Herzog 13.112016 12 - 3 pm AUGUST Theater Dresden
Mind Movement Research Under the dark moon 10.11.2017 8:30 pm TH Rudi
sold out
Mime Musical for children night fear 12.11. 11 am AUGUST Theater Dresden
Director: Anna Balcerzak What happens at night? Is there nothing to fear? Or is a monster hidden under the bed? And what do the stars do when they hide from the moon? What are the dangers of sleepwalkers? Enjoy a musical journey around the world between reality and dream, childhood and adult age. A fabulous spectacle not only for children, full of dynamism and lyrical sleepers, movement and dance, with live music.
Funk Futurism & Co. International MimeTheaterFestival Dresden 2017
Mimenstudio Dresden Women, Women 10.11.2017 19:00 Theaterhaus Rudi
Women, women - a bittersweet mime play with Ines Zeun and Maxie Spehr. Director is Ralf Herzog. ... today still inseparable and tomorrow to the knife. Two women who can be neither with or without each other. In the struggle for the favor of the same man, her life is marked by love, jealousy and distrust, to murder and manslaughter!
Mondgestalten" / „Under the dark moon“ is a silent theater that let you forget the space and the time and expand your imagination. The performance is kafkaesk, does not hide and criticizes. The actors show and do right in front of their eyes how all politics have a timeless, existentialist humanity that is hard. Our reality is made of work and steel, but has its own aesthetics.
Arne König & Duncan Cameron Urknall 11.11.2017 19:00 AUGUST Theater
In deep space, there is a wonderous little world, a planet of untold beauty, full of life, spinning around it's local sun. It's name: Earth and it is in trouble. For there is a darkness growing there and it wears a lab coat. Urknall is an exciting physical show that is full of dark imagination. A cartoon mix of malign mime that will fuel your gigglebox and amputate your funny bone. Enter a dark and sinister world where evil meets ridiculous.
Beautiful Flowers Theater Rat 11.11.2017 20:30 Theaterhaus Rudi
This theatrical performance from Beautiful flowers theatre characterized by such wordless storytelling . It is a comedy with elements of detective, comics, absurd, that also combines mime and clowning, dance and live music. Ordinary worker after a hard-working day find a mysterious suitcase. After that, he becomes a target for the two ridiculous bandits. The investigation is conducted by three eccentric detectives who are on the trail of a formidable mafia gang. It is tangled story with shootings, fights and chases.
Pantomime mit Ralf Herzog 11.11.2016 10 am - 3 pm Emmers
Ralf Herzog ist der Begründer der Pantomime-Szene von Dresden, dem “Mimenstudio Dresden” in dem er Interessierte zu Pantomimen ausbildet und leitet die „Mimenbühne Dresden“. Dies bereits seit den 80iger Jahren. Nach seiner Bühnenzulassung war er in unterschiedlichsten Unterhaltungsprogrammen zu erleben und auf Tournee. Gastspiele führten ihn in die USA, nach Korea, Cuba, Marokko, Russland, Polen, Tschechei, Österreich und andere Länder. Ralf Herzog ist auch der Mitbegründer und künstlerischer Direktor des Pantomimefestivals Dresden. Die neueste Produktion unter seiner Regie, „Restaurant Fatal“ (Maskentheater), “Die Zauberflöte“ sind in der Mimenbühne seit zu erleben. Theatererfahrungen sammelte er als Bühnenhandwerker, Beleuchter, Puppenmechaniker, Requisiteur, Regieassistent.  Heute führt er Regie im Puppentheater Bautzen, an den Landesbühnen Sachsen, an der Semperoper Dresden und natürlich in seinem eigenen Theater, der Mimenbühne Dresden. Hier entstehen neben Ensemble-Vorstellungen auch die Programme, wo er selbst auf der Bühne steht. Zudem lehrt und coacht er unter anderem im Mimenstudio Dresden und der Fachhochschule Dresden.
Förderer und Sponsoren des Festivals
Autohaus Mellmann Meißner Str. 320 01445 Radebeul
Kontakt & Impressum
offizielle Mailadresse
artistic director: Ralf Herzog management: Jan Romberg & Arne König association: Mimenstudio Dresden e.V. Telefone: +49351/32371528 website: www.mimenstudio.de adress: Bürgerstraße 63 01127 Dresden, Germany
Haftungauschluss Haftungauschluss
Izabela Czesniewicz- actress in Wroclaw's Pantomime Theatre named Henryk Tomaszewski since 2001. She created a lot of interesting roles in many performanceces. Fascinated by body movement, dance, acrobatics etc. From a child trained in diving and represented the Polish National Team in many competition. Pedagogue and teacher, runs workshops with pantomime. Izabela has experience working in other theatre styles and in movie series as well as Opera and she recieved a Phd of Science in Physical Culture.
Workshop for children Izabela Czesniewicz 11.11.2017 10 am-12 am AUGUST