"Like a fairy tale" - The 30th International Pantomime Festival Dresden Summary The 30 th International Pantomime Festival Dresden has ended with a wonderful closing ceremony on November 18. During the ten days the participants and audience experienced an unprecedented range of styles of pantomime. But also the artists, invited from all around the world, were excited and overwhelmed about this festival. "Like in a fairytale," they felt as the organizing team met every imaginable desire. Highlights of the festival were e.g. the performance "Pantomix" by Csaba Mehes from Hungary, that were running in cabaret Breschke and Schuch, brought the audience to laugh, but also repented contemplative and thoughtful moments. Or "The Dustfall" in the laboratory theater in the Dresden University of Fine Arts. The excellent technical equipment and remarkable commitment of the laboratory theater director and his team allowed a performance in which the audience enthusiastic about MI MInor . The combination of fine body work and deep soul with a good sense of humor made this presentation to a big party. A festival like this is not just a collection of different performances, but an event of artistic development. Therefore, the organizers were daring some experiments. For example the gala evening that replaced the traditional festival opening by the in-house ensemble. Here the old familiar Ralf Herzog , Rainer König and Alf Mahlo performed the event, which was under the festival theme "The blossom of art" and presented to the audience all facets of the pantomime. It contained the magician Vito Lupo, kabuki performer Yass Hakoshima, the group Beat Fanatics and Alexey Mironov , who each showed the connection of pantomime to magic, to traditional Japanese theater, to break dance and to clowning. With Gregg Goldston , Bodecker and Neander , Shinya Murayama four more Star pantomimes were performing and enriched the gala with their own, powerful handwriting. Among the more than 300 spectators, many who knew the festival from the times in which it filled the largest halls in Dresden, but it also gave many people an impressive first contact to the pantomime. Another experiment was the integration of lecture demonstration on Marcel Marceau. It was clearly observed that the public was interested to get a demonstration of the operation, the history and background of the pantomime. With " Anders " (different) and "Ansichtssache” (matter of opinion) two complete new and fresh productions were in the program, which were to be seized upon an experimental approach, and made the audience interested. The many friendships and future collaborations that were establishd during the festival make us happy. We thank our many supporters who have made all this possible.
At the beginning of the '80s Rainer Petrovsky, at that time the head of the "Volkskunstpodium" in Dresden, and the mime Ralf Herzog had the idea to raise a kind of pantomime workshop to support the pantomime scene of Dresden. Whereas the first workshop was city internal the second and the third already had guests from the district and the region Eastern Germany. The pantomime workshop of Dresden created an image for itself in conscripting the national mime scene with some international participation. Next to Berlin and Jena Dresden became a mime centre of the GDR.
The "Walk of Fame" of Dresden Mime festival 1993 / mime-cabaret Finke/Faltz from Germany with "Mime Time", Leen Teatro from Prague, Clown Dimitri from Swiss with "Porteur" 1994 / Gardi Hutter from Swiss with "So ein Käse", Compagnie Cotillard from France 1995 / Peter Mim from Bulgaria, Csaba Mehes from Hungaria, Yanci Group from Kanada, Paul Lorenger from USA, Leen Teatro from Prague 1996 / Licedei minus 4 from Russia, Bernd Lafrenz with "Macbeth" from Freiburg, Csaba Mehes from Ungaria with "pantomis" 1997 / Teatr Zhest from Minsk with "Die traditionelle Küche der Gewürzinsel" and "Geheimes Treffen", Mimenstudio Dresden und Ralf Herzog mit "Mime Time" 1999 / Bodecker + Neander mit "Silencel", ANASAGES - Theater from Chemnitz with "Das Pendel", Mimeallerlei by Mimenstudio Dresden 2000 / Bernd Stahr "Der Amtsschimmel", "Cut" with Modern Mimes Show 2001 / Kinder Studio Dresden "Blattsalat", Peter Mim with "Komik und Poesie", "Betrachtung zu Tieren und Menschen" with Harald Seime 2002 / Die Etage Berlin with "Die Sprache der Stille", Valeri and Gleb with "Der Mensch an sich ist auch nur ein Mensch" 2005 / "Strom im Blut" - the Theatershow of Pantrolectris 2006 / Bodecker + Neander, Germany, "Out of the Blue" 2007 / Jelena Bolsuna & Stanislav Bogdanov with "Krakelspektakel" from Russia ------------------------------------------------------- 2009 ? DOX Maskentheater from Germany with "Rolli - Der Alte" Gregg Goldston from USA, with "Louder than words" Teatro Pantomissimo from Tschech Republic with "On The Dark Road"
Previous years
International mime meeting Dresden