Mime fatale - Push the button
What is virtual and what is real? Push the Button is a  ´mimic gamesq´ about five beautiful roommates,  escaping from their life troubles into the world of PC  games. This performance combines physical performing  of Mime Fatale actresses with an extensive sound  accompaniment of beatboxers Tiny Beat and Dozr. It is a  nostalgy for both gamers and those, who simply wish to  enjoy the original union of mime and virtual reality. 
Saturday November 08 8pm August das starke Theater  Bürgerstr. 63 Dresden
group: Mime fatale  from Prague
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International Pantomime Festival Dresden
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6.-9. November 2014
Hey Du Zukunft - junge Pantomime in Dresden
Mime fatale - Push the button
What is virtual and what is real? Push the  Button is a ´mimic gamesq´ about five  beautiful roommates, escaping from their  life troubles into the world of PC games.  This performance combines physical  performing of Mime Fatale actresses with  an extensive sound accompaniment of  beatboxers Tiny Beat and Dozr. It is a  nostalgy for both gamers and those, who  simply wish to enjoy the original union of  mime and virtual reality. 
Saturday November 08 8pm August das starke Theater  Bürgerstr. 63 Dresden
group: Mime fatale  from Prague
Hey you, future - young mime in Dresden
November 6.-9. 2014
nd International Mime festival Dresden
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