"Pronk" is a wordless and funny performance which is full of action and fantasy. It tells the story of a young boy, Pronk, who struggles with his adult antagonist. The poor boy does not own anything but has made a puppet for his own pleasure and in his fantasy the puppet has a special power and is able to controll other people. Of course he will have some very nice and some very funny but also some unsatisfying adventures. He finds out how to get free ice cream, how to fly but he also gets the lesson that getting controlled by others is quite annoying. At the end Pronk and the man spend a peaceful day at the beach. However, it was so much fun to compete and struggle that they start again. “Pronk” is joyful to watch for both children and adults. But our young friends will for sure more identify with the smiling child on stage.
Sunday November 09 10 am August das starke TheaterBürgerstr. 63 Dresden
International Pantomime Festival Dresden
6.-9. November 2014
Hey Du Zukunft - junge Pantomime in Dresden
Tickets: reservix.deoder in the theaterprice: 5 Euro (plus external servicecharge)Join multiple performance and / orworkshops and get better price! Seeon application page.
MMR: Pronk
"Pronk" is a wordless and funny performance which is full of action and fantasy. It tells the story of a young boy, Pronk, who struggles with his adult antagonist. The poor boy does not own anything but has made a puppet for his own pleasure and in his fantasy the puppet has a special power and is able to controll other people. Of course he will have some very nice and some very funny but also some unsatisfying adventures. He finds out how to get free ice cream, how to fly but he also gets the lesson that getting controlled by others is quite annoying. At the end Pronk and the man spend a peaceful day at the beach. However, it was so much fun to compete and struggle that they start again. “Pronk” is joyful to watch for both children and adults. But our young friends will for sure more identify with the smiling child on stage.
Sunday November 09 10 am August das starke TheaterBürgerstr. 63 Dresden