Mimenstudio: A respectable wedding
The Mimenstudio Dresden opens the festival with their new  program. Our life is full of cliches. We go beyond and look behind.  Based on the “Repstive wedding” by Brecht the Mimenstudio  ensemble reflects why it is so hard to life with other humans on  this planed. Especially if they are relatives. 
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Thursday November 06  8 pm  August das starke Theater Bürgerstr. 63 Dresden 
artists: Mimenbühne Dresden  website
International Pantomime Festival Dresden
home program workshop history application contact sponsors German
6.-9. November 2014
Hey Du Zukunft - junge Pantomime in Dresden
Tickets: reservix.de oder in the theater price: 18/12 Euro (pkus external service charge) Join multiple performance and / or workshops and get better price! See on application page.
Mimenstudio: A respectable wedding
The Mimenstudio Dresden opens the festival  with their new program. Our life is full of  cliches. We go beyond and look behind.  Based on the “Repstive wedding” by Brecht  the Mimenstudio ensemble reflects why it is  so hard to life with other humans on this  planed. Especially if they are relatives. 
Thursday November 06  8 pm  August das starke Theater Bürgerstr. 63 Dresden 
artists: Mimenbühne  Dresden website
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Hey you, future - young mime in Dresden
November 6.-9. 2014
nd International Mime festival Dresden